Check our section of FAQ!

Our section of Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ can solve a lot of your questions! Check it down below. Please check on each question to find the answer.



Green Tribe system enables real-time energy and water consumption view not only for the staff but also for the end-user, your customer. Therefore, if your client has access to this information, chances are he/she will become more aware of the actual consumption and will act more responsibly. As for your very own business, by providing detailed energy consumption insights going down to the customer level, the GreenTribe solution will support you in taking informed strategical decisions that can reduce your costs while keeping your customers happy.

Yes. The Green Tribe solution can use the existing electrical panels.

Smart plugs, small energy meters or smart breakers will need to be installed inside the electrical panel. Find out more details about this functionality by contacting us, here.

The GreenTribe solution supports both WiFi and LoRaWAN* communication. However, the recommendation is to use WiFi. LoRaWAN will be used only when the WiFi coverage within the camping site is not ideal. Find out more about WiFi and LoRaWAN communication from our experts.

By simply downloading the app on their mobile device (phone or tablet) your guest can check the energy consumed on the day, as well as the total energy consumed during the stay in, current now , current peak, voltage and total CO2 emissions generated. Find out more about the information displayed in the app here.

Staff, administration and management of the site can have a clear and simultaneous view of the energy consumption of each electrical panel and for each customer.

Yes, it is possible by simply installing a smart breaker to replace the existing breaker or our smart plug.

Yes. The system is checking at every 30 seconds the consumption and correlates this information with the camping lot occupancy status. Therefore any attempt of stealing energy will be easily detected.

Yes. Like an option, the system can generate alarms if the electrical panels are open by guests or/and by unauthorized personnel.

Yes. This information is available and to be displayed in kWh or like an economic value (EUR or other currency).

Multiple billing plans can be implemented according to various scenarios (energy market, low-season/high season, total energy consumed, and others more). Ask our experts about any different energy tariff scenario you are thinking about, here.


The Green Tribe solution provides your clients with a platform where they can see their water consumption on daily basis. Research shows that only by being able to keep an eye on the consumption, people become aware and therefore more responsible and will try to prevent the waste.
Once your guest has downloaded the app, he/ she will be able to acquire “virtual tokens” for water facilities usage. With zero interaction between guests and camping staff, this service is one click away, user friendly, and proven to improve water savings and simplifying the cash management of your business. Keen to learn more about this functionality? Get in touch with our experts, here.

Yes. The Green Tribe system will use the existing hydraulic and add water valves for each consumption point (shower, wash through, eg. ). Keen to find out more about how does the water consumption for the Green Tribe solution work, get in touch, here.

Yes. The system is providing an estimated water consumption used for each customer, taking into consideration the following parameters: the usage time and the flow rate. Also, the guests can see this information on their devices.

To control the water valves, our system is using the EnOcean* technology (a wireless protocol that allows us to control remotely the water valves without any additional wiring).


Yes, it is. The system will be using the existing appliances and add for each machine a simple smart plug actuator to control the power supply. Contact our experts here for more details.

To control the power supply of the washing machines the system is using cutting-edge EnOcean or WiFI technology.

To control the power supply of the washing and laundry machines the system is using cutting-edge EnOcean or WiFI technology.

Through the app installed on the client’s device, the guest can acquire “virtual tokens”. Prior to using the facilities the customer can set and preorder an amount of time he/she estimates will be needed and if necessary he/she can add more time from his device. Research studies have proven that by being able to estimate and set an amount of time for using facilities that use a great amount of water, guests will become more cautious and prevent energy and water waste. With literally zero interaction between guests and camping staff, this service prevents waste and over usage of the laundry/tumble machines and also simplifies the cash management of your business.


Yes. The system is designed to use smart sensors to detect how many people have been using each facility and generates automatic alerts when a specific threshold is reached. Therefore you will know exactly when to send someone to clean a specific area and they can use their extra time to perform other tasks while still keeping your guests happy with the cleaning standards.

Yes. The sensors used by the Green Tribe solution are 100 % GDPR and privacy compliant.


Yes. The GreenTribe system is monitoring and checking the main water chemistry parameters every minute (water PH, water-free chlorine, and water temperature) and generates alarms when some critical values are detected.
On request, the system can monitor also the ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, and Toroidal Conductivity. Find out how from our experts, here.

Yes. By using special video analytics the solution can monitor how many guests are using the pool at any given moment and generate alerts when it reaches full capacity.


The GreenTribe solution is installed on-site, in the camping in order to assure availability for your business and for your guests.On request, the system can monitor also the ORP, Dissolved Oxygen, and Toroidal Conductivity. Find out how from our experts, here.

The GreenTribe system doesn’t require internet access. The internet is required only for camping customers to be able to download the mobile app from AppStore or Google Play.

Wi-Fi coverage in the camping and Ethernet cabling for some specific areas within the camping such as showers area, restrooms area, wash troughts area, laundry area, etc.

Yes. The integration with any 3rd party systems is extremely simple using HTTP API or OPC protocols. Find out how from our experts, here.


Yes. This can easily be included in the app. Find out what more information can be included, here.


Yes, simply scanning the QR code with their mobile phones, the guests and staff can have access inside the camping. The GreenTribe solution can work with electrical door strikes, barriersbollards and many others access control equipment.

GreenTribe is using a security token which makes it extremely secure. Besides that, the GreenTribe system can’t be reached from public internet, so any external attack is unlikely.

Yes, GreenTribe also manages the access for private bathrooms, VIP areas and other restricted rooms.

No. GreenTribe is using a simple QR code that is displayed in the proximity of the access door/gate and the device that is opening that door/gate (electrical door strike, barrier, bollard, e.g.)

No. GreenTribe is using a simple QR code that is displayed in the proximity of the access door/gate and the device that is opening that door/gate (electrical door strike, barrier, bollard, e.g.)

*LoRaWAN is a communication protocol used to communicate with remote devices that are located at several hundred meters up to several kilometers from the central antenna.

*EnOcean it’s a wireless protocol that allows us to control remotely the water valves without any additional wiring. More details can be found on the official EnOcean Alliance website https://www.enocean-alliance.org.
